The first House Games triennial took place in the shared apartment of Juho Jäppinen and Anna Ruth, for one week in Jyväskylä, Finland.
Eleven artists, from Finland, France, Canada and the UK, focused on the theme of home as a physical and psychological environment; considering the possibility of hidden mind games within the title house games. The exhibition was organized from conception to execution within a two-month period. All artists were asked to present new or recent work (less than one year old). Canadian dancer, choreographer and performance artist Antonija Livingstone performed The Part on the opening night to a full house. Participatory activities were proposed during the whole House Games exhibition and at the closing party visitors were invited to wear rose coloured glasses or goggles to view their environment. House Games 2005 was open 3 hours a day, for 5 days at the end of January 2005. The exhibition attracted almost 100 people and received enthusiastic reviews from participants and visitors. |